Welcome to Meta Town

Your extension of reality

A Real-Time Interaction within the Virtual World
Metatown is a metaverse platform designed to implement real-world events such as work, entertainment, group activities, social events, and economic activities into the virtual world.Design, build up and own a virtual space.

You can always create locations, objects, outfits, costumes, and much more, whether it is real or imaginary.

Using avatars, you can meet various people regardless of their nationality, gender, race, or age.

You can focus on your work by resolving problems one may encounter while commuting, staying out overnight due to the overtime work, limited support of the workplace being too far from home, and stress one gets from the human relationships.

The Challenges Today
So far, Metaverse has been a big solution to problems caused by pandemics. It will not stop here but will also make great changes in daily life in future. Pre-pandemic problems related to the work environment, the long-distance travel time and its cost, the school life and environment, and corporate activities can be managed by actively utilizing Metatown, our metaverse platform, which results to the reduction of employees' stress, increase of their work ability, availability of various online meetings, and prevention of the online school violence.

    Since the start of the work from home set up, 42% of employees are less satisfied with their lives.One of the problems with remote work is it changed personal lives. Specifically, employees said working from home leaves them:

  • Spending extra time preparing for work
  • Feeling alone at work
  • Suffering more mental health issues, and
  • Spending less time with family and friends

But the following problems exist equally. We want to monitor the rising issues and step in to help both employees and their employers.

More than a third of remote employees say they still struggle to unplug from work.They still work after hours instead of disconnecting and relaxing, they also worry their manager has doubts about their productivity.Half of these anxiety-ridden employees responded by starting work earlier or ending later.A third skips lunch to prove their working point.

Your extension of reality, Meta Town

Despite the new normalcy of remote work, employees feel disconnected from their companies and colleagues.Yep, employees still look to leadership – at least to some degree – to get them engaged in their work and connected with their colleagues.

We’ll never get back to business as usual. Many employees won’t interact like they used to.You’ll want to continue to facilitate virtual team building, socially distanced social events and on-site training that engages and connects employees.With Meta Town, you can find lots more virtual reality experiences.