Geri Mileva



For the fourth year running, NFT.NYC will host a global NFT community of blockchain and NFT enthusiasts who paved the way in their own respective industries. Various participants, from business owners, artists, gamers, and startup heads, can get perspectives about NFTs in different applications. This event is regarded as one of the first major NFT conferences to have yearly success in spreading the latest knowledge about the technology. The event will run simultaneously across seven separate venues in NYC, including the revered Radio City Music Hall. With keynote speakers across different disciplines, NFT.NYC is a community effort to engage and promote the ecosystem's top projects. Among the main sponsors of this year's event are Polygon, a more sustainable blockchain network, and MoonPay, an online crypto exchange platform. Spots are open to up to 5,500 attendees and 135 sponsors.

Geri Mileva Author

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