Unknown Author

09/22/22 : 08 :09


Blockchain Brawlers has been moving at a breathtaking pace since its inception nine months ago. It started as an NFT farming-style game, where players bought in, and mined a currency by Brawling with their Brawler NFTs. Then, the game, spearheaded by Mike Rubinelli and his Wax Studios team, quickly pivoted into a new era. Play-to-Earn (P2E) became Play-to-Own and Wax Studios shifted the focus from mining a currency into good old fashioned engrossing PvP gameplay. Now, Mike and his team are moving at the speed of light into a new phase of the game – the PvP phase – and Mike is beaming about it all. “We knew that to get broad adoption we couldn’t just have a click mining game, but had to build a real game,” he said. “The focus shouldn’t be on earning, it should be on owning. Earning should be a result, not a goal.” “If the goal is to earn, then your focus is all wrong, but if the result is earning revenue tied to the things you’ve acquired, that’s a much healthier proposition and that’s how you’re going to get broad adoption.”

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